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חידושים במקראות המקוון


 ntroducing "Power Search" - it's really worth trying! At highlight the three words "וַיֶּחֱזַק לֵב־פַּרְעֹה". [On touch devices, press and hold one of the words and then block the entire phrase.] From the popup menu which appears, select קונקורדנציה to quickly find the other Biblical appearances of this phrase, or חיפוש to view discussions in general literature.
The technology works for Parshanim as well. Highlight a word or phrase in any parshan, e.g. "אין לו דמיון במקרא" in Rashi at: and press חיפוש to see where else Rashi and others use the phrase.
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להקדשת החידוש (בחינם!) לעילוי נשמה, לרפואה ולהצלחה לחץ כאן
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